hey in sky rim I'm a vampire and people say you can block out the sun ( I've seen it on youtube) i have the bow and the arrows with her blood on it but when i look up the sky is all cloudy whenever i change the time to daytime it says sun boils my blood it don't a flash and becomes cloudy again plz help
what month is it in your game?also remember the sun rises from the west and sets in the east think of it kinda like a clock when finding it,also when you look at it you can see a orb outline
just point it in the brightest part of the sky where the sun should be. It may also help if you travel to somewhere like Whiterun where it is usually sunny
nothing specific. though you can find a chart to calander it cause it does have somewhat seasons. it also may depend the area you are trying to fire like being in winterhold is nothing but clouds you wont find it.
If you scan the sky with the bow drawn your screen will flash pink for a second as you pan over the sun. Hold it over the sun and it will flash pink I believe over and over again till you shoot the sun. At least that's what I noticed while I was searching to blotch out the sun this morning. It helps to look at the time (T on the PC version) and know the month so you can get a general Idea of where the sun will be.
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