Tonight, I'm packing up my three week old Nintendo Wii with one wiimote and nunchuck, a classic controller, 4 virtual console games, Raymen Raving Rabbids 2 and Super Mario Galaxy.
Tomorrow, my boss is trading me her X-Box 360 (a little under a year old) for my Wii (haha, she wants my Wii), with two controllers and a couple games (mostly racing from what she told me, nothing I can't trade in for something better like uh, Fable 2).
I was planning on buying an X-Box 360 and my boss said she was planning on selling her xbox 360 and getting a Wii. I haven't been too impressed with the Wii. Okay, the controllers are kinda cool, but there's really nothing game-wise that interests me on the Wii. So, to me, it seems like a fair trade. I want a 360 and wouldn't miss my Wii too much, she wants a Wii and wouldn't miss her 360 too much. Then again, my system is newer then hers and there's no chance of getting the red ring of death on the Wii.
Mod edit - Sorry, but mentioning several platforms in a single thread isn't allowed in any of the platform boards, this should be in System Wars.
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