Today. when I went togo play my xboxI got the red ring of death. So I turned it off and thought nothing of it. Then I remembered that my Xbox had my COD disk in it so tried getting itout. Problem was thatit wouldn't even turn on so I could open up the disk drive. So I called Xbox and they said I stillhave my 3 year Red Ring of Death warranty available but because it wont turn on at all they cant verify that it was actually the Ring of Death and I will get no warranty at all. So what Im going to do is just go to futureshop and buy a new one then switch out the faceplates with my currentlywrecked oneand return my broken oneandkeeping thenew one for myself. Before people say its un-ethical or anything like that I would like to say that microsoft selling me a faulty product and then greasballing there way out of the warranty is even more unethical.
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