So my xbox360 broke a while back, I was wondering what good exclusives I may have missed for Xbox or XBLA. I've played all the GeOW and Halo games (including 4), what other good exclusives may I have missed over the last few years?
Not many exlusives to speak about really. How long ago did your 360 break? Have you already played Alan Wake, Crackdown, Lost Oddysey, Fable, Forza, Too Human, and Viva Pinata? Sorry, 360 just doesn't have a whole lot of big exclusives at retail for 360. XBLA has exclusives such as Shadow Complex, Geometry Wars, Iron Brigade (Trenched), ilomilo, and Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet.
Splinter Cell: Conviction was an exclusive and a very good game. Bioshock 2 is pretty good not a much as the first though. Rage is fun Boarderlands 1 &2 are fun as well. But Splint Cell is the newest exclusive I can think of besides GoW and Halo. Oh Hitman came out not to long ago as well as Skyrim. Hope this helps some what lol.
ya ive had a ps3 so i have played the multiplat games i have wanted to is a shame there have not been many exclusives since 2010. conviction is the only one i havent tried. i think i will pick up that and the witcher soon.
i guess halo 4 and gears 3 will be a strong finish though.
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