I should like Mass Effect right? I mean Bioware made it and it and rpg so is it good? I also enjoyed Oblivion if that changes anything. Also, is it kinda bad? Cuz im 16 and my parents might freak out :P
If you liked KOTOR, you'll like Mass Effet. It was one of the best games I played in '07 and it's story was better than that of most major movies. Some of the content is a littlemature but it's nothing a 16 year old shouldn't be able to handle.
I liked KOTOR as well and I loved Mass Effect, I'm on my second play through now, as for the age thing I'm sixteen as well and there's nothing you shouldnt be able to handle in the game.
Mass effect is a better overall game then KotOR. It looks better and has a much better dialouge system, plus you won't want to skip the conversations like in KotOR.
KOTOR was much better than Mass Effect, which is highly overrated. ME doesnt really have a good story to it, a lot of it feels slapped together, and the vaunted conversation tree is lame. if you are thinking about buying this game, RENT IT FIRST OR BORROW IT. you will thank me later, when you are wondering why EVERY badguy you fight just rushes at you,stands 2 feet away, and starts shooting at you.
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