What can I do to make sure my system doesn't get the RRoD? I've heard that there are certain ways you should set up your system to prevent overheating, but what are they?
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Make sure its well ventilated, plenty of spacing for the vents. But dont get a cooling accesory because I heard it produces more heat.
over heating isn't really a big problem with 360's..its strange that all people new to xbox seem to think rrod and overheating are really common and happen frequently..but anyway, don't cramp it in a small spot (ie, certain entertainment theatre cabinets), give it alot of room behind and beside it, and by alot i mean atleast 3 inches. Edit, don't get the cooling accessory, it's crap. And it's really loud and smells funny.
What can I do to make sure my system doesn't get the RRoD? I've heard that there are certain ways you should set up your system to prevent overheating, but what are they?
Treat it like a high-end PC, keep it out in the open, well ventilated, it should be fine, also you can install games to your HDD to keep it quiet, don't know if it helps keep it cool as well.
make sure the console is lying horizontal. Dont set it vertical cause then itll stand on ventilation holes...would be good also if theres about at least 15 cm free space behind your 360. I got 360 for about 3 years and havent got rrod :D There is also additional intercooler which is pretty cheap...i have it by myself but tbh i never used it. Im not 100% sure if its safe for your console since it uses 360 power supply.
well you could get a intercooler...and if you install games you better have a 120gb cause each game is like 5gbs a piece...and xbox 360 HDD are expensive
What can I do to make sure my system doesn't get the RRoD? I've heard that there are certain ways you should set up your system to prevent overheating, but what are they?
first thing first, find a jasper model. its not hard to find now.Tbh if its a new console you'll be okay, problems are limited on the newer consoles as the majority of problems have been sorted. Dont buy an intercooler as it makes ur xbox sound like an aeroplane. Just stand it up right and keep it well ventilated,its worked wellfor me.
Whenever you turn off your Xbox, wait a good couple minutes before turning it back on again. Also, whenever you hear your 360 acting up (like, when its making more noise than your game or almost more) just pause for a moment and see if it quiets again. A lot of the time RRoD happen around the time your 360 make some serious groaning.
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