So. there are tons of games available this holiday season my the 360, but I don't have enough green to spread around. Any suggestions for a few really good games that will give the most bang for my buck? (I already have Dead Space)
Its not really "wasting" your money if thats a thing you like to do, play xbox 360. plently of people do it, Id be saying the same thing as you if the only thing someone bought was games... but anyways =P what type of games do ya like?
save up money, play one game at a time. get a job if possible. buy used games. return it if you don't like it and try a different one. play the game you want to the most, don't buy more than 1 at a time or else you won't be able to enjoy the game to it's full potential and it's just a waste of money because by the time you finish 1 that other game could drop in price possibly
I have been out of work ever since the arcade closed (fat kids too lazy to leave thier houses etc. seriously guys why don't you go to arcades do you really want to lose this important part of gaming culture forever?). No place will hire me its pretty rediculous. Turned in my 26th application last night WISH ME LUCK GUYS.
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