I checked my email yesterday and saw that it said something about my CC expiring and that they attempted to charge it(have no idea why they'd even try, you'll see why later). And then it said something about using my 12+1 month renewal code(Which shouldn't be activated until January 2010).
Well the thing is, back in Janurary I renewed it for the standard $49.99, and then a couple weeks ago I got a 12+1 month renewal code from Best Buy for $30. I got it cuz I thought it was a good deal, and that I shouldn't have passed it up.
Well anyway, I check my balance online and see that MS charged me $49.99 the same day as the email and I was like. Oh great how did this happen? I didn't authorise any transactions on my CC since I renewed it back in January.
So now I'm jumping through hoops to find out what happened, and I finally get to my billing history on Xbox support, and I see my renewal through my CC in January and my 12+1 code redemption about a month. For this week, I see a transaction for $49.99 and all it says is "Payment Recieved, Thank you."
Payment for what? I don't have any MS points, and my Xbox Live suscription is set until February 2011? There isn't anything I could have, or would have payed for. I didn't say ok to any kind of charge.
I then went to email them and today got a reply
It basically said, Oh our bad. We stole $50 from you. But there isn't anything we can do through email. So now you are going to have to go through ourbureaucracy if you want to see your money back. Soz :)
So here I am, about to spend the rest of the day to get my $50 back. Wish me luck.
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