It was a gift even though I didn't wanted it. I'm keeping it though since it would be ungrateful of me. I don't play online so I'm wondering what r some good single player games on the 360? I play action adventure, platformers, fighting, beat-em ups, some RPGs and shooters but single player. I have two other consoles(wii and ps3) and I already have GTA IV on my ps3 so I'm wondering if I can play the GTA episodes of liberty city without needing a copy of GTA IV for the 360?
...and all lived happily ever after. No but seriously, Mass Effect is my favorite single player game on the 360. As long as you're not somebody who considers "too much talking" a bad thing, you'll love it.
Tales of versperia looks awesome (Iv'e never played it but want to I tried ordering from amazon canada and 2 months later they finally told me they couldn't get the item). Tales of Symphonia is my favourite RPG even better than Final Fantasy 10.
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