the microsoft sticker,is it ment to say void when i take it off, cos i managed to open my 360 with out takeing it off, some security there have right there, i could mod lights or something to my 360 then it breaks, and then take the lights out and send it off with out voiding my warrenty, im not going to mod it cos my dvd drive is messed up so its going off anyways NUMBER 5!!!!!, but ye , why wouldnt they put the sticker on proper, also i opened up my hdd 1ce and the void sticker was messed up, the screw was half out and i still got a new 1, i dont see why ms would leave them selves open like this.
the microsoft sticker,is it ment to say void when i take it off, cos i managed to open my 360 with out takeing it off, some security there have right there, i could mod lights or something to my 360 then it breaks, and then take the lights out and send it off with out voiding my warrenty, im not going to mod it cos my dvd drive is messed up so its going off anyways NUMBER 5!!!!!, but ye , why wouldnt they put the sticker on proper, also i opened up my hdd 1ce and the void sticker was messed up, the screw was half out and i still got a new 1, i dont see why ms would leave them selves open like this. linkinworm
I have no idea how you could open it up properly without rupturing it... Did you even separate the two halves?
ive had to send mine away twice now, and the second time my dad had taken off the stickers in attemps to some how fix it...(dont ask me how) when i got home and discoverd that he did this i freaked out but i called microsoft later that day and they said not to worry about and send it anyways and hear i sit playing gears of war. one thing i noticed about sending to get "repaired" is that they never actually fixed it they just sent me a new one
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