So since borderlands 2 has been out for a day I'm sure I'm not the only one who has picked it up, played a few hours and is enjoying it. I'm wondering what class everybody chose for their first playthrough, why, and how they are liking it.
Class Chosen: Zero the assassin
Why?: I plan on doing a playthrough with my girlfriend when the mecromancer class is released (she will need it, since she RARELY plays videogames, and has never played a the "girlfriend" tree will be a huge help to her). Because of her lack of skill I want to play as maya to help keep her alive, and maya is definatly the best healer/support character
How do I like it: I really enjoy the Zero playthrough. I'm going for the melee heavy skill tree and have been using a majority of melee and shotgun for damange and it actally works out very well. I neer though shotguns would be something I would use with Zero, but it's great to go into stealth melee a bandit, then unstealth and shotgun the hell out of near by enemies before repeating the process.
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