I'm gonna keep this short, and simple.
Halo ODST, is FAN SERVICE. I repeat. Halo ODST, is FAN SERVICE.
Not a Halo fan? Whoop-de-doo. Don't buy the game. Don't play the game. Don't cry and complain about it.
Think that it isn't worth $60 because of the short campaign? News flash: TONS of games have been released with a $60 price tag that are the same length as ODST. Movie titles, or just plain mediocre games. Just because it's Halo, ODST just gets that much more hate. And who's to say that you can't wait for a price drop, or find a good deal on it?
Seriously people, move on with life. If someone wants to spend $60 on ODST, so be it. Leave them and ODST, alone.
I'm honestly sick and tired of all these hate posts and 'debates' on whether or not ODST is worth it, or even a good game overall.
Halo ODST is fan service. Nothing more. Bungie is catering for its fans. Live with it.
Why? I bought the game? I can say what I want about it. As I assume you are reffering to me as I've been complaining about this game since release.
I buy lots of games, and honestly $60 dollars isn't too big a deal to me, so I can buy lots of games. that doesn't mean everything I play is "worth" 60 dollars.
My problem with this game, is thet built hardly anything specifically for the game. No grapgic updates or anything.
If the people bashing ODST need to stop, so do the people defending it. and you know just as well as I do that majority of people here don't buy cars or up... let alone state it's worth $60.
if the game is so good why don't you compare it to a real game like batman? MW 2? assassins creed 2? bioshock 2?borderlands?
oh wait I forget, those are are either new IP's or hugely upgraded sequals, so there's no comparison to be made.
As I always say, there is a big difference between cost and worth.
I call ignorance on your part if you bought the game and feel the need to complain. Bungie stated what the package would be. A new campaign running with the Halo 3 engine (which is a two-year old engine). There's a reason why it still has the 'Halo 3' in the title. ODST is worth the $60 if you are a fan of Halo 3 but did not download the new maps, are a fan of the Halo campaigns, or have never played Halo but want to try it. It is not worth it if you have already downloaded the Halo 3 maps off of XBL. To those people I'd say wait, to anyone else, this is as legitimate a release as BioShock 2 or Modern Warfare 2.
Don't forget Call of Duty 4 was a short game that had some multiplayer. That's it. People paid $60 for that. They even voted as GotY in many places. Now I'm not saying ODST is the greatest thing ever made, but it as legit as any game, taking chances with the Halo formula while not alienating the people that love the 'Halo feel.' You knew from the start what ODST would be and if you buy it and still complain about it then like I said, I call ignorance on your part. There was never any secret about what this would be. New campaign, Firefight, and Halo 3 multiplayer all running on an older engine. If you didn't think it was 'worth' $60 then why spend it (even if $60 isn't that big a deal to you as you say)?
I wouldn't call it ignorance. He does have a valid point, he did buy the game and, hence, can share his opinion on it. Sure, I read a billion previews on it, I knew all about the short story line, the 2 year old engine, the fact that there wasn't going to be a single new weapon, and that there wasn't going to ever be matchmaking. And yes, when I heard that there wasn't going to be matchmaking I strongly considered not getting the game.
The single reason I wanted to get ODST was because I was under the impression that you could, hopefully if you prayed enough and sold your soul, play as an ODST on Deathmatch. That's all I basically wanted, was to just have a different look, sure, you'd have shield, or stamina if you want to call it that, and you'd be an equal with a Spartan. I just wanted to be able to play as something that looks different online. I'm strongly disappointed, but at the same time I knew deep down inside that this would never happen.
Now, if you ask me that the game has a huge bias look on it I would agree. I beat the game on the 22th, on Legendary, on four player coop in under 5 hours. I had no problem playing a game that I had just beat in less than half a day, I also had no problem being told that there were new weapons when they were all just recycled from previous titles. But the thing that really gets me, the huge bias look on it, is it's reviews. They all clam this game to be the second coming. If this game wasn't Halo it would get a 7.0 and bellow. And yes, this game is huge fan services, and blah blah blah, it's still a slanted, bias review, and that's what really pisses me off.
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