I reccomend sticking to Team deathmatch, as more experienced people tend to go to the other playlists, particularly search and destroy. Secondly, get out of the mindset that it actually matters whether you win or lose, COD 4 is not a great team game, so you're pretty much exclusively rewarded based on your own performances. Chances are, if your team is doing bad, it's not exclusively your fault, as I have gotten 20+ kill streaks one match, and it has been a walkover, then struggled to get a UAV the next match as I came up against some tough opposition. COD 4 does have this 'Snowball effect' whereby one man doing good makes the team better as they end other team's kill streaks, while getting their own and helping the team.
Tactics wise, I reccomend you experiment, Use a variety of guns and find one that suits you, give snipers a bit of time, they take some getting used to. Also,watch Killcams, you may see enemies killing you from interesting places, which you can then use yourself. Follow the team, and they'll lead you in the right direction and give you some cover. You naturally get better ovr time, so don't worry too much about it. Just have fun and you'll do fine, the great thing asbout COD 4 is, that no matter how bad you think you are, there is always someone worse :D
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