I really wanted to like this game, but so far, there are many issues with it: (warning might have some spoilers)
1) The manual in the game and the one in the game are very crappy... it only told me what the D-pad does once. After I forgot, it never mentions it in the manual or anything leaving me to figure it out on my own
2) On the mission to get Dr. whatever, the daughter of the woman working with the bad guy.... I figure to go to a random planet in the mentioned system. Not much help there but I figure I take a shot. (I guessed correctly). Anyhow, I die once and the game sets me back all the way to the begining of the map. I learn to save and go on.
Now, at one point, I get ambushed. BIG ISSUES... why can't you skip a cinematic? I don't need to see the same thing 5 times over and over! PLus, the enemies are jumping around like crazy for a game that is supposed to be an RPG and about strategy.
Next, the enemies somehow magically surround my party even when they come from in front! When the battle starts, I get surround not sure where the heck the enemies are firing from.
Then, before fighting the final battle, the xbox 360 slows down to like 5 frames per second. I die since I can barely move... once again, the full cinematic.
Another issue, how the hell do you go back to the ship if you decided that you don't want to continue playing on a certain planet? Is there no way to tell the ship to pick you up? Would I be stuck if I went to a planet where the enemies were too difficult to beat?
Thanks, I ahd to get this off my chest after some frustration with the game.
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