Hate to say it, but even if this game got decent reviews I highly doubt it would have sold much better. Last MoH was the same way. Even MoH Airborne didn't do very well, which I avoided at first, then years later tried it thinking "what the hell were people smoking badmouthing this game". There's a political aspect to review scores, one being I don't think a review site wants to upset its viewership, which is why something popular like COD may create an uproar if it were rated low, people would start whining in masses, write petitions demanding re-reviews, threaten to stop going to their sites and move their patronage to another website, whereas a series with very little fanbase doesn't have that political consideration to account for. Also, no advanced copies of the game seemed to be given, so most reviews were rushed reviews. And having spent more time with this game since it released I think this is a game that grows on you some the more you play it, but critics didn't have that time to make those considerations.lamprey263
Which is all well and good but at the end of it all, this game IS crap, and so was the previous Medal of honor. It's was so linear it was borderline pathetic. there was quite a few shooters from the early 1990's that had so much more freedom than these turkeys.
With these so called first person shooters EA and Activision are banging out it really does seem like we are taking so many steps backwards when it comes to being creative in gaming and so many people just lap it up and rave on about them like they are the second coming.
...But, I'll agree that Airborne was great. But yet again it was only because you could branch out to a slight degree and to be honest we've seen it all before so it was nothing new or imaginative. Fun, yes, quite so. New, it was not...
In my personal twenty eight years of gaming it's been very odd to see that with flashy whizz pop bang graphics the actual core gameplay has taken a serious nose dive over the last few years in so many so called AAA games. Yet they sell so well.
I miss the Amiga days personally. I dont think there has, or will be ever again such a diverse pot of ideas all on one system. Well, the C64 was a winner an all if I'm honest. But I guess we are now in a day and age of whizz pop bang down corridor yawn shooter #3435, now with added blur and smoke!
It sells well so why should the bigwigs ever try to be creative again. (Although to be fair when gaming was actually creative it was normally by small studios with grand ideas and not much to loose, unlike the money churner it is nowdays)
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