It's the dominante language. Everyone should be taught it because it's the most used world wide. Here in England we're not really taught any other language, we can opt to take german/french/spanish but tbh, you don't learn much.
 The only funny thing i find on Live is the select few Americans (they are a minority, i'm not bashing all americans. XD) that tell the British people to speak English, completly ignoring the fact it's our language and has been around for thousands of years now, it just makes me laugh.
I love poeple that say that. Too bad it shows how much people actually listen during their history classes. I am from U.S.A and i usually correct people that say that British people talk funny when in reality Americans (Australians too i guess) are the ones who talk funny/wrong. I do love how there are more or less two version of Enlgish. Good English (england) and Bad English (US).
Anyway i do wish our education system worked more on talking more foreign languages. If we started earlier it would be easier to learn. Firstly by making it mandatory say at 3rd grade then everyone in your class would be able to speak the language. This way we would speak it more unlike what we do now. We learn it now, but we almost never use it outside of that one class. One reason is we don't need to and not everyone of our friends know the language (being an optional course). I also remembergin hearing that it is somewhat easier to learn a foreign language as a younger kid.
I am taking German in school, but and barely understand anything. The only time i use it is during the 50 minute class which we usually have 4-5 days a week. Plus most adults that i know that have taken a foreign language (parents) even say they don't know much because they never used or use it.
Well atleast i can count to 20 with much ease (after 99 it takes a little time to remember actually how to say what numbers and in what order)
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