Today I was recently playing Devil May Cry 4 on my 360, and everything was going fine. All of a sudden, I see something extremely weird happen: The quadrant of the ring of light on the 360 fluctuates between quadrant 1 and 2. It seems to happen at random, and I'm not sure why. This only started happening today.
Why is this strange? Well, the controller itself will still read itself as connected to quadrant 1, but quadrant 2 on the 360 will be lit, which can't be possible since what that's saying is that no controller is connected on quadrant 1, but there is one on quadrant 2, yet there is only one controller connected and it's reading that it's connected on quadrant 1. The controller will still play normally, even if the rings of light are mismatched in this fashion, but it's a bit unnerving to see this. I can't help but think this may be the first sign of a future RRoD.
What I can't figure out is sometimes it will go back to normal, at random, then back again. I have not changed nor modified anything as far as my setup goes, with the exception of the recent firmware update for the 360 that I obtained over Xbox Live. However when I got this update I didn't seem to have this problem afterwards up until now.
My setup is an Xbox 360 Elite (2007 holiday bundle version) and a standard wireless controller. I use a wireless connection to connect to Xbox Live. Could someone help me understand what this means, or if it is in any way related to the recent firmware update, and if it is a cause for concern?
Thanks so much for any replies!
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