I was thinking about picking one of them up from my work. I already have the TE fight stick on reserve there but Im a huge SF fan and I just thought it would be cool to own one of them. Problem is I don't know which ones were getting in stock because it varies on stores.
IMO I think they look pretty awesome and there only $39.99. It has to be better then the xb360 controllers for sure.
I was thinking on getting one or two, but they're a bit pricey. Suppose I'll play SFIV with the Arcade Stick I already have, it works just great and was not as expensive as the new Mad Catz ones.
i'm kinda tight on the cash flow right now... but i'm still getting them because i'm a fighting freak(alot of new fighters coming out) and i'm tired of my moves messing up when i play Street Fighter HD remix...
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