Took a venture with the gf today to gamespot I decided to trade in Fallout 3 --I had beaten it a few times and wanted something else besides Gears two all the time. Anyway -- I had heard alot of good things about Street Fighter and alot of my friends on my list had it. So I had mentioned I was debating this to my girlfriend between Call of Duty 4 and Street Fighter-- I turn around and she is at the register already buying the game for me... So I figured what the hell, it looks like a good game -- The arcade games were hard for me but whatever I am going to devote myself to training to getting good at this game
So I bring it home and start to play arcade-- Xbox Live challenge mid arcade fight.. what the F? So I accept and get rocked - I ditch arcade and say if I am going to get better I need to pick a character -- I chose Ryu.. I was doing alright with him in public matches, won about 50/50. I decided I am ready for the RANKED challenge and boy was I wrong. Me and Ryu took a good 15 match loss streak.. it was awful.. It was so miserable, yet somehow.. soo addicting.. I WANTED to win.. I wanted to get back in there and fight over and over again. So I made a choice to switch it up, screw Ryu.. I shall master Sagat and I think I made a great choice.. His moves are easy to pull off and effective -- I now have won a few ranked matches and gradually see myself getting better -- and having real real close loses when I do lose. I am fianlly getting down the Ultra and the Super attacks.. and despite wanting to throw my controller at the wall for a good chunk of the time - You still feel compelled and really drawn in to make yourself better.. all in all awesome game, hard, really hard, addicting, frustrating.. But with much reward to success -- You feel so.. dare I say proud to win sometimes or just to pull off something real cool
Basically the point of this is to everyone who has been posting here about how hard this game is, practice.. you cant pick up a game and be god of the universe right away. Training mode is going to be your best friend -- Find a charcter who you can work with best.. the game is hard, just like any game online at first really but you cant get any better unless you try
Never really came across a game that can give you an anurism, and be so fun really all in one..
So stop making damn posts about how hard this ggame is! Everyone knows it can be challenging -- Get out there and practice!!!!!!!!
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