Is this game as good as tales of syphonia? I loved that game so much when i got it for gamecube. I know its the same thing with the battle system and all that, but is it as good as symphonia?
Is this game as good as tales of syphonia? I loved that game so much when i got it for gamecube. I know its the same thing with the battle system and all that, but is it as good as symphonia?basssolo1995
Vesperia is the first Tales game that I have played and while I am therefore not sure how it compares to past Tales games I can say that IMO this is the best JRPG to come out on the 360 thus far. Unfortunately, that isn't saying a lot because the competition for the most part has been pretty meh so far on the 360, but I can vouch that you don't need to be a fan of the Tales series to enjoy this game, it really is a pretty good JRPG IMO.
Better. Much better. My 3rd favorite Tales game so far. 1. Tales of Eternia 2. Tales of the Abyss 3. Tales of Vesperia 4. Tales of Symphonia :)siLVURcross
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