What are you stories about terrible teamates?
Yesterday, Me and my friends were searchin in 3's in like 0-20 SWAT or something like that and we got a 4 on our team. We're behind the whole game (which puzzled my 3 friends because were all doing good). We lose by one kill at the end, off of a trade. After the game i check the 4's stats, and he went MINUS 17 WITH NO KILLS. I was quite angry. Anyone else have good stories?
That's not even bad, I get that all the time.
I was playing SWAT and I had 35 kills, the other team had 32. I don't even recall how many kills my teammates had but it wasn't that much. We ended up losing 48-50, I had about 43 kills.
It's kind of sad how three people can't get 7 kills.
Also in a CTF this guy must've been playing with his eyes closed, because he just kept walking into a Warthog, he wouldn't jump over it or walk around it. He insisted on walking through it, and we ended up losing.
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