Well, let me start off by saying that I own a 360 and I've been happy with it ever since I got it on November 22, 2005 (the realease date.) But something was just brought to my attention; microsoft is releasing a cool looking, 120 GHD, full HD support console. It's the "360 Elite" and it sports a black color instead of the standard white. I ask, why now? Why did microsoft wait 2 years to release an updated console, that will cost 479$? To me, I think it was a dumb move, because now the PS3 isn't seeming so costly. When you buy the Elite for 479$ (including tax over 500), then you want a next gen movie format it'll cost you an extra 196$ (including tax about 215$), and if you ever consider wireless internet that'll cost near 100$, then you have xbox live (which I think is well worth it) that will cost you 50$ a year; when it all adds up the PS3 could seem like the better deal.
I'm not a PS3 fanboy, nor am I a 360 fanboy, but I do prefer the 360 over the PS3 just for the games. But, this move by microsoft was just dumb; I think they should lower their prices a little bit. They already have the egde over the PS3 in sales and etc, but this idea to make a console that will make the price well over 500$ without wireless internet or next-gen movie format is just stupid. I personally don't have wireless internet or a next-gen movie format or and HDTV, but if I did consider getting anything like this (from a buyers point of view) the PS3 would be the better deal.
Once again, I love my 360 (premium), but I do think this move by microsoft was dumb. Be honest, do we really need a 120 GHD? My point is when you add up the numbers the PS3 isn't that "costly" console everyone thought it was; the 360 is more money in the long run. I think microsoft should have stuck with the premium and not make themselves look like idiots.
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