I find that a really hard to answer question. You've got Halo 3 with guarenteed greatness dare I say. Then you've got Half Life 2, Half Life 2 Episode 1, Half Life 2 Episode 2, Portal, and finally Team Fortress 2.
I'm definitely getting both but between the two I mean I guess I'd say the Big Orange Box but for me it's tough since I love multiplayer gaming most.
Wishlist- Too Human Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Athena Halo 3 The Big Orange Box Forza Motorsport 2 All Pro Football 2K8
a 3 year old game I bought for my PC back in 2004 or halo 3? I know it has new levels and anteam fortress, but its still half life 2 a 3 year old game. Its more of the same with added new short levels. Its like the star wars of video games, repack it then see how many times ppl will buy the same game with stuff added to it. Its time for a new IP or at least kick the episode bs and release a new compleat fresh game. Halo 3 all the way.
I say Orange Box then Halo 3 because I've kind of have an idea what to expect from Halo 3. With the Half Life it's all about the story and how you play so to me it has more depth. I will eventually get both but overall I would pick Orange Box over Halo 3.
Orange Box because IMO it has a better single player, better multiplayer choices, better value 5 in 1 :shock: either way I might buy both but Orange Box for sure if I could only buy one
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