The console broke my disc and won't play anymore...

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#1 justin_smith77
Member since 2004 • 81 Posts

I was online trying out the first of the three new maps I got for Lost Planet and midgame the system said it disconnected me from the network etc. It seemed to be running fine and then everything froze, even the little 360 message bubble froze while it was shrinking away. I pushed eject and the 360 made a noise like it was trying to push the tray out but the tray didn't come out. I pushed eject again and it took a few seconds but this time it did eject. I looked at the disk with a light in the background and saw a small crack extending from the center to about 1/2 cm into the readable part. I also noticed a louder than usual sound and a sudden 1x thump when I closed the tray (using the eject button). I refuse to put another disk in there, but looking at all the games I've played recently I've noticed little scuffmarks that could only have been made while the discs were spinning.

To eliminate the obvious, no I didn't move the console while it was on,it is well ventilated, andI always keep it in the horizontal position.My two previous360s had the 3 red lights BTW.

I'm kinda frustrated. I called tech suppt and they said they are escalating the issue and will have someone call me on Monday. Hopefully things will go smoothly and I will get the game replaced and the console fixed or replaced with no hassle.I'm sure I'll have to create the gamertag andgo through all the other stuff to get the downloadedthings replaced ((For those who don't know; downloaded stuff is saved onto the harddrive and the console, and if the console is replaced you can't play downloaded stuffwhen offline.)) I have no idea how they will handle the other scuffed games.

Just wanted to vent. Thanks for reading.

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#2 macho_c_a
Member since 2006 • 1007 Posts
sorry about your game dude, good luck on getting all your stuff replaced!
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#3 alex986
Member since 2006 • 500 Posts
Jeeze, sorry to hear that