Which should I get? I know, I know, it's too early to tell, but what has been getting higher praise from other sites/people? I will probably get both in time, but what should I get first?
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Really? Why was it so bad?fkholmesThe controls were really clunky and it just wasn't all that fun. It reminded a lot of pikmin of gamecube
Overlord is unique and fun, delivering something different. The Darkness on the otherhand, is an FPS, a well tried formula, only done with movie standards and high overall quality. BTW, Try Overlord demo at XBL, and decide for yourself - that's always the best choice (:AlonShen
I would but I don't have XBL...
Im gonna begetting Overlord over The Darkness just because I have so many shooters and need a change a pace for awile. Probley pick up Darkness sometime near the end of the year, but for now I say Overlord.Tannerr33
I have a quite a few shooters, but the only games I have played in a couple of months are GTA: SA and Hitman: Bloodmoney...
If you have a fairly decent PC you should really get Overlord for that one, it's horrible on the 360.BounceDKHow can you say that when you only played the demo if even that?
I've been waiting for Overlord too, for a very long time. I would get Overlord over The Darkness personally. The Darkness just doesn't excite me that much.
I already ordered both... So, I get the best of both worlds. :P
is overlord that fake pikmin game? i thought the quality of the demo wasn't that good.. art direction meh, graphics meh, gameplay meh...
darkness brings something new. it's of much higher quality i think.
I really liked the demo for Overlord and have since read up on it and it looks a lot of fun. The reason why I'm not going to get The Darkness is because I'm not made of money and don't want to support developers who make 5-10 hour long games. Add that to the fact that it is another FPS and I doubt I will ever get it, at least until it hits the bargain bin.
The Overlord, however, has been getting mixed reviews, so you might want to hold off until more reviews come in. As for value, I'm going to say Overlord's 15-20 hour campaign with meh multiplayer beats The Darkness' 5-10 hour single player with extremely bad multiplayer, which even the devs admit to.
The Chronicles of Riddick's campaign is only 10 hours long and it had literally no multiplayer whatsoever, and it's widely regarded as one of the Xbox's best games, and probably its best single-player FPS, period. Why do people always assume that just because the campaign is a certain length, it wouldn't be fun to play it again at different difficulties, or play various stages over? It doesn't have to be one and done. I've never played through the campaign of an FPS I enjoy only once.
By the way, the only real reason The Darkness has multiplayer is because people whined that Riddick had no multiplayer, despite the fact that it was meant to be a single-player, story-driven game. People always assume that shooters have to have multiplayer. They don't. Look at the first Half-Life. A nearly unparalleled single-player experience, but its default, out-of-the-box multiplayer was so atrocious it might as well not have existed. Mods are what saved and popularized HL's multiplayer, but it received massive acclaim for its single-player alone. The Darkness isn't Half-Life, but the point is, not all shooters need multiplayer. Especially not story-driven ones that rely heavily on atmosphere. Bioshock is another prime example of this.
fklhomes, why don't you have XBL? For demo-downloads etc. it's free and that you have an account here proves that you have internet. So connect your 360 to your router and download the Overlord demo. I loved the demo and can't wait to play it...Flavour666
My 360 is half the house away from my PC, because mine holds the Scanner and printer, meaning I don't get it in my room :( Money isn't much of an issue anyway.
Rent them both. From what I have heard you'll get about 8 to 10 hours out of The Darkness and 15 hours out of Overlord. Neither sound strong in the replay aspect. Not worth 60 bones!snackdaddy
I live in Australia, and here they decided renting any games other than PS2 ones from half a decade ago, is dumb. Also I am not the average gamer as it seems, people said that I would play Hitman: Blood Money for a round 12 hours and be done with it, I bought it around 3 weeks ago, and I still haven't finished it. Granted, I don't play games like normal "gamers" I spend around 2 hours every two days playing games.
In good time.
*Stuff he said that I agree with*Zeliard9
But I am still debating with myself...If I do get The Darkness I'll be able to play it while I am still on holidays which would be great. I think I will wait to see the GS review of The Darkness. Thanks everybody.
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