Ehm Ehm.. Hello and Welcome to the uahh...topic! :P lol
Finally.. the legend of the legends has been told... the secret of the secrets has been revealed...MGS4 has Finally Come to us!! "accuely for the PS3 Boys :P" .
That's the problem Gentelmen! Why Dont we get MGS4 on our 360s!!! :'(.
Do you think there will be an Xbox360 Version .??? that's the question.
and thank you for reading "and replying i hope:P" .
*collapses on the floor in total hysteric*
But seriously, are you being serious, sure your not....come on, really? Are you being serious....Did I hear you say MGS4 on the Xbox 360? That would be like a nerd on deathrow.....seriously....come on? MGS4 is too powerful for the 360, even Soul Cailbur requires a compulsory HDD, im not sure if thats for memory but still, even GTA IV was scheduled to be a much larger game before it was planned for 360 release...I own both consoles but i just thought that was funny
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