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Yea, I loved it along with many other people. You should read the summary on it. But basically you save an empire from these creatures that are coming out of these fiery gates. There is a ton of stuff to do and lots of weapons/armor/magic/potions/customization/etc. It has very simple combat though which is kind of annoying but it's an awesome game.
Is there a monthly fee like with World of Warcraft?FuegoPeef
its a single player game only mate. but i would suggest getting this game. i was into some RPGs when this game came out... then i played it and have clocked about 90 hours on it... that is so much for me to do and now love RPG games even more because of it!
Is it any good? You could just read any review ever written about Oblivion as they are pretty much universal in their praise of this game. The fact that it was almost a launch title and is still one of the best and most popular games on the 360 should tell you something.
Get the GOTY edition, it has over 10 more hours of stuff than the normal version. In total it has over 100+ hours of gameplay. And you can download more content which makes it even better. It isn't online and doesn't have a monthly fee. Overall an awesome game.
This is the BEST rpg for the x360
The main-quest is around 50 hours for the first time whole game with all side-quests is around 350 hours.
Big selection of weapons, spells, races and all the other things.
This is the BEST rpg for the x360
The main-quest is around 50 hours for the first time whole game with all side-quests is around 350 hours.
Big selection of weapons, spells, races and all the other things.anymanrulezz
did it really take you that long?, i beat the main quest, knights of the nine and the shivering isles in about 32 hours
This is the BEST rpg for the x360
The main-quest is around 50 hours for the first time whole game with all side-quests is around 350 hours.
Big selection of weapons, spells, races and all the other things.anymanrulezz
I woudn't say its that long, but there is 100+ hours of gameplay.
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