The Raijin - Solved!

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#1 Spankman
Member since 2003 • 676 Posts

Ok, I know many of you are struggling with the Raijin - Hayate's hardest move in DOA4. It's probably the hardest move in the whole game. I can safely say that I am awful at DOA4. The Raijin is a 3-part move. I could never even get the first part. But I know how to solve this problem with ease now. Just 15 minutes ago I was on Gamespot searching for an answer, when it hit me. Now I can do it mid-battle!

To complete the Raijin, follow a few easy steps. Always be using the control stick, no D-Pads (and preferably no arcade sticks...)

Part 1 - a full 360 control stick spin - be holding X (the free button) the entire time you are spinning this control stick, and while you hit A (if you didn't know, hitting A is the same as hitting X+Y in the standard control setup). Spin the control stick as fast as you can and hit A at the end. Holding X prevents your character from jumping.

Part 2 - Left, Right, Up, Down, Throw - this is actually easy. If you watch the demonstration, it looks impossible because there's no time available for hitting the combo, but in reality, there's a lot of time. It's just the person/computer who did the demo was so fast that the blue text was only available for a split second. Try hitting L, R, U, D before you start the Raijin. It's not that hard.

Part 3 - Diagonals (all 4 of them), Throw - this is the exact same thing as Part 2, except the directions are a little tougher. Try this also before you attempt the Raijin. Sometimes people, like me, get a little rushed. Well the solution is to just practice the combination a million times until it's ingrained in your head. So when the time comes during the combo, you just attack the control stick and the A button until it works. I admit I wasn't calm during the last step, I just did the equivalent of "button-mashing" to the control stick. It's alright to do that, it works!! :D

This should help you finish the Raijin. Right after I completed Hayate's sparring, I went into online mode and tried the move. I DID IT IN MID-BATTLE! And you can too.

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#2 jer_1
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I pretty much suck at this game too though, I'm actually impressed.

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#3 oldschool12790
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lol, i suck too....awesome though
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#4 oluminion
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

can you give me a hint what i am doing wrong, i push x and do a full circle but hayata always does a throw like the one i need but not exactely the one. everytime he starts like he needs but lands behind the opponent and combo throw doesn't appear. i tried it like 100times now and only got the right throw where combo throw appears 3 times. how do i do it that i get the right one every time? :/ thx

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#5 Stick35
Member since 2005 • 702 Posts
I saw this exact same post quite a awhile ago. . . but still cool I guess.
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#6 Spankman
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can you give me a hint what i am doing wrong, i push x and do a full circle but hayata always does a throw like the one i need but not exactely the one. everytime he starts like he needs but lands behind the opponent and combo throw doesn't appear. i tried it like 100times now and only got the right throw where combo throw appears 3 times. how do i do it that i get the right one every time? :/ thx


Yeah the problem is the throw you're doing is one of the throws that is one simpler throws, I'm not sure which, but this happened to me. It's like Forward+Throw or something along those lines.What you need to do is:

A) Make sure you're doing the X+Spin correctly. Remember, the directions the game gives you are based on a person who's on the left side, so it's possible that you are hitting the combination backwards.
B) Do it faster - it's possible that the game is thinking you're not trying to do a circle
C) Also make sure that you are not hitting throw during the middle or beginning of your spin, but you have to hit it as soon as the control stick is in the down position. (So here's the controller's point of view: The left stick is starting to spin around... It hits the top... The left... Then right when it makes it to the bottom, the player hits A or X+Y)

That's all I can say. It's hard to help you with the problem unless I can see the way you do it. Those three hints should do it though.

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#7 veremedyn
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In conjunction with this guide, which helped me tremendously, I found another trick to help me.

Immediately after executing the initial throw, I paused.  I then took my 2nd controller and practiced for a few seconds the 2nd part of the throw.  As soon as I resumed the game, I performed the 2nd step and immediately paused again, and used this trick for the final move, and got the Riajin credit.
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#8 ChronoLegion
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Yeah the problem is the throw you're doing is one of the throws that is one simpler throws, I'm not sure which, but this happened to me. It's like Forward+Throw or something along those lines.What you need to do is:

A) Make sure you're doing the X+Spin correctly. Remember, the directions the game gives you are based on a person who's on the left side, so it's possible that you are hitting the combination backwards.
B) Do it faster - it's possible that the game is thinking you're not trying to do a circle
C) Also make sure that you are not hitting throw during the middle or beginning of your spin, but you have to hit it as soon as the control stick is in the down position. (So here's the controller's point of view: The left stick is starting to spin around... It hits the top... The left... Then right when it makes it to the bottom, the player hits A or X+Y)

That's all I can say. It's hard to help you with the problem unless I can see the way you do it. Those three hints should do it though.


I keep having the same problem. I only made it do the throw twice in over 50 tries. It keeps doing either the simpler one or nothing at all. I'm doing it fast and counterclockwise (or clockwise when facing left). I even look at the bottom of the screen where it displays what I press. It shows: X, D, DL, L, UL, U, UR, R, DR, D + X + Y.

I know this doesn't make it any easier to anwer the question, but do you have any idea what I could be doing wrong? Also, how do you force the game to stay in the "Command Input" view and not switch to "Attack Attribute" constantly?

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#9 endwar
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K k, i just have a few things, did the developers of this game smoke crack when they made some of the moves? the fact that they expect people to play their game enough to actually be able to pull off some of the **** they ask you to do WHILE getting beat in the head is rediculous. Unless there is a story mode outside of fight this person then this person then this person, nobody is going to want to play a fighting game that much. And NOBODY wants to use the same character so damn much that they can actually fluidly pull off some of those rediculous moves...whoever the developing team was that worked out this swift combination aughta be de-balled and thrown in a pit full of flesh eating beetles.


Moves like this one as well as the countering system in this game makes my rating go from a 9.0 down to a 5.5, the timing of the countering system is nice...but dont you think they coulda had 'x' be a general counter button with different directions being different moves? who actually plays enough, or uses one character enough to know that "left and x" counters this kind of kick and "downright x" counters this kinda of kick and you need to push "away and x" to block a high punch, its just **** rediculous there is enough to fighting games already, dont throw in rediculous combinations that are nearly impossible to pull off in game unless your fighting a kid with downs...and dont make ur coutering system so **** specific, countering should be more about timing not memorization, i wanna fight in a fighting game, not take a **** memory test.

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#10 endwar
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Hah just an added note, another thing that bothers me about this game is some of its physics, my friend uses hitomi alot, and ive had hitomi's (supposedly a little highschool girl) arm outreach jann lee's (A GROWN ASS MAN) LEG..LEG..LEG hol' on i dont think i emphazised that enough ACCORDING TO THIS GAME A HIGHSCHOOL GIRLS ARM IS LONGER THAN A GROWN ASS MANS LEG      :) just something i thought id note.
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#11 Private_Vegas
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Whats the secret to Hyabusa's counter for a middle punch. The one when he throws them up, smokes teleports up and slams them to the ground. I can never make it work....... I know.... I suck.
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#12 Sintacs
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Whats the secret to Hyabusa's counter for a middle punch. The one when he throws them up, smokes teleports up and slams them to the ground. I can never make it work....... I know.... I suck.Private_Vegas

if you can manage it as the normal throw its quite easy to pull off. first id like to state this is a VERY simple move that looks incredibly difficult. just spin the stick around constantly while doing the throw while mashing a and youll pull it off perfect every time, the counter is the same, as soon as you grab the person to throw start spinning and pressing a 

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#13 Sintacs
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i wish this one had an easy trick like the izuma, guess im just gonna have to keep at it
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#14 Sintacs
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just got it, the second controller thing mentioned in here helped a bit but the main way i did it was practiced the first part till i had it no problem then started practicing that with the second part till i had it no prob then i finally worked on the final part until after countless trying and failing i finally got it
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#15 YatenLegacy
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*tosses controller at Tecmo* well i can the first part down with ease, the 2nd part is where I'm having trouble, I know you say I have enough time, but I'm putting the command in as soon as he touches the cpu and slightly after when i hear Hayate go Hi-ya. But nothing, is my time off? can someone let me know the exact times to use the commands, I got it like 2-3 times but I can't remember the timing, blah.. you're tips do help. maybe I'm just not getting it into my thickness lol