Ok, I know many of you are struggling with the Raijin - Hayate's hardest move in DOA4. It's probably the hardest move in the whole game. I can safely say that I am awful at DOA4. The Raijin is a 3-part move. I could never even get the first part. But I know how to solve this problem with ease now. Just 15 minutes ago I was on Gamespot searching for an answer, when it hit me. Now I can do it mid-battle!
To complete the Raijin, follow a few easy steps. Always be using the control stick, no D-Pads (and preferably no arcade sticks...)
Part 1 - a full 360 control stick spin - be holding X (the free button) the entire time you are spinning this control stick, and while you hit A (if you didn't know, hitting A is the same as hitting X+Y in the standard control setup). Spin the control stick as fast as you can and hit A at the end. Holding X prevents your character from jumping.
Part 2 - Left, Right, Up, Down, Throw - this is actually easy. If you watch the demonstration, it looks impossible because there's no time available for hitting the combo, but in reality, there's a lot of time. It's just the person/computer who did the demo was so fast that the blue text was only available for a split second. Try hitting L, R, U, D before you start the Raijin. It's not that hard.
Part 3 - Diagonals (all 4 of them), Throw - this is the exact same thing as Part 2, except the directions are a little tougher. Try this also before you attempt the Raijin. Sometimes people, like me, get a little rushed. Well the solution is to just practice the combination a million times until it's ingrained in your head. So when the time comes during the combo, you just attack the control stick and the A button until it works. I admit I wasn't calm during the last step, I just did the equivalent of "button-mashing" to the control stick. It's alright to do that, it works!! :D
This should help you finish the Raijin. Right after I completed Hayate's sparring, I went into online mode and tried the move. I DID IT IN MID-BATTLE! And you can too.
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