Since there has been so much talk today about the cheaters getting their gamerscore reset and so on, I just want to take a couple minutes and go over a few points of interest that involve the gamerscore. And I have a feeling that about 60% of you will agree with me. If not, let me know, I'm always willing to listen to creative criticism.
1. I'll just get this out of the way. The cheaters got what they deserved. The idiots out there that cheated to boost their GS and then went into online games and started bragging about your awesome GS are definitely losers. Even more so if you got your arse handed to you right after you spewed your sour BS.
2. The gamerscore DOES NOT show how good a player is. To be honest, I could sit my mom down in front of the 360, give her the controller and turn on COD4, Veteran difficulty, Mile High Club, and even my mom would eventually get the achievement. It may take her years, but if she would be willing to be dedicated enough to just keep trying, she would eventually get it. BTW: My mom can't even squash the first Goomba in SMB.
3. The gamerscore DOES show commitment to games. I think everyone hear knows what I'm talking about when it comes to commitment to games. Every single person reading this has most likely signed up to Gamespot so that they could talk about games just like I do. That right there shows a commitment to games. And everytime I see someone say "Gamerpoints are worthless, I don't care about them", I just think you're completely full of crap, because you're obviously committed to games enough to have a Gamespot account. What's wrong with admitting that you're committed to games enough that you enjoy a small, digitized-trophy for putting a lot of work into something?
Now, I know all the people that I just pissed off are going to say to me, "Gamerpoints shouldn't matter, games are made to be fun when played, not played to get achievements." And I will completely agree with you (as in, agreeing that the priority should be to have fun). But guess what, wouldn't it be cool if we could play games to have fun AND play games to earn achievements too, ALL AT THE SAME TIME? Wow, what a great idea! Oh darn, Microsoft thought of that already.
I agree with points one and two....for the most part, however I completely and utterly disagree with the 3rd point. My gamertag has never ever been a symbol of commitment for me, namely cause I change my gamertag every time my subscription expires, sometimes I have a monthly subscription, other times a year...some times I drop the gamertag after only 6 or 7 months with months left on it lol. My first gamertag had about 13000 points give or take, can't really remember, wasn't really fussed... but once my gold had expired, I created a new Gamertag, mostly because I was sick and tired of the same old boring name and started all over again and never looked back, I lost all my so called achievements and saved games lol (bit of a pain, but so be it). I had the usual set of achievements, I had an elite rank in Rainbow Six (Big frigging wow, it wasn't earned, it's just because I enjoyed playing it so much and lost it....pffft big whoop)
and yes, I know you can change your gamertag name for 10 dollars, but I'd rather start completely afresh.
As a gamer, I'm pretty damn commited, I own the Xbox 360, the Wii, Gamecube, PS2, PS2, the two greatest consoles in the world, Supernes and the wonderful N64. Thankfully I had very good parents (Mind you, I was a damn good child) , who pretty much bought me what I wanted, then I got my own independence and started buying my own games.
The gamertag is just a name for me, an online identity, I pay absolutely ZERO attention to other tags and their scores. That annoys people, I often enter a game and some guy or girl is saying...
"Oh look at me, I have 30000 gamer points"
My reply...
"O.....K, good I suppose?"
I really am that totally careless towards gamerscore and points. I always register my gamertag and because I've done it a bunch of times now, I've had a Microsoft customer service manager have a word with me to discuss why I do it, I answered a bunch of questions and spent about 45 minutes with him on the phone. He was totally astonished and in his own words, "Never encountered quite a soul like yourself" I actually felt complimented and was awarded 200 dollars in vouchers for taking part in the survey...which I sold for 150 dollars on Ebay and bought myself a bunch of DVD's lol.
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