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im pretty sure it was just because your HDD wasnt in all the way the samething happend to one of my friends and it happend to be that his hardrive was out just a little bit
yeah, it'll probably come back. when i got the rings if i left it for an hour or two and then came back it would work for any where between 20 minutes and an hour and then give me the rings again.ctfvyrsgurbnorn
same thing happend to me.
lame i really sick of this its starting to make me angry enough to just forget it and get all my stuff on ps3 and wait for the ports to get better.will they reembers me at all?SHOEGOO
lol as MS give you money back for buying the 360? lmao i wish
what if i total get mad what are they going to do?
if your talking about yelling at em through the phone idk hang up lol
Theres nothing you can really do about it man, M$ will repair it for you (unless its covered by a warranty at the store you bought it from and if thats the case they'll replace it for you). Being impatient with the whole process isn't going to make things any easier on you or the person you speak to in regards to your xbox. We've all had problems with the RRoD, I'm on my 4th Xbox at the moment (and has lasted for ages touch wood), why should you get special consideration just because you don't want to wait? And the newer models are much better than the older ones, the failure rate for the new ones is around 5% and the older models were around a speculated 30%. Stick with the xbox, in my opinion its the better of the 3 current consoles in "all-roundedness".
PC Gaming still owns though :P
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