my 360 was screwed..........nothing was popping up on the screen when i turned it on and of course i had the infamousred ring of death. i researched on the web of what i can do because i dont want to send it in to microsoft with halo 3 coming oh so quickly. everywhere i looked it pointed me towards the towel trick....when i wraped my 360 in 2-3 towels as it was forrunning 20 minutes causing it 2 overheat. i shut it off.....let it cool off and after 15 minutes my 360 had that famous green ring of life......ive had it for a couple of months before it died......and after the towel trick it has never run better.............does this mean my 360 is saved from being shipped 2 microsoft as halo 3 comes around the corner?
Seriously... Some people don't learn. Now, not only will your 360 die anyways but if Microsoft finds out you used the towel trick (which may not happen if you get lucky), they'll charge you for the repair... :|
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