One of the first things that I've noticed and I'm not sure if anyone else has this problem, is that when I'm, say 3rd and 10, I run the ball get to the first down, then get pushed back 4 yards because the defense grabbed my player and walked him backwards! Now, when it's the CPUs turn at 3 and 10, they pick the same play I did, but this time I have two defenders on the player and he walks past the first down line while my guys hang off of him like he's some sort of juggernaut. He isn't a "weapon" either or I'd expect that.
I also hate the when I'm at 2nd and goal and I go for a run, I press up on the right stick in an attempt barrel through the defense, my player gets hit and falls backwards, away from the in-zone. Now if the CPU tries it, his player falls forward into the in-zone. It's BS at times and causes a lot of frustration. Maybe it's because I haven't played Madden in so long that I just need to learn it all over again, who knows. :?
Another one that really pisses me off is sometimes when my receiver is completely in the clear with only one defender about 10 ft away, my QB will throw the ball directly to the defender! It's insane! Then my receiver stands there like a goon while the interceptor just takes off.
Other then these few things, the game is really solid. I haven't bought a Madden game since 07 (which was released in 06), so this is a HUGE improvement. Actually, who am I kidding, compared to past Madden games I'm lucky this is all I'm having problems with. :)
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