Super cheap AI that randomly appears even though you just CLEARED OUT the room 30 seconds ago!
Houdini Splicers that apparate in random places, giving you 2 seconds to turn around and find him before you hits you with his rocket (which kills you in 1-2 hits).
Enemies that constantly spawn BEHIND you.
Electrobolt that misses 50% of the time because the enemies can dodge it easier than the other plasmids. Electrobolt, at the same time, consumes half of an eve injection.
Underpowered weapons that can take 12 pistol rounds and still not die.
The way the game bum-rushes you with 6 splicers at once, from different sides, and at random moments, most often killing you.
The combat sucks balls. Not even CoD2 on Veteran was such a huge grief.
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