Mention things you will not want to see Epic feature in Gears of War 2:
I would say:
- More than 4 vs 4 Multiplayer. Reason: beacuse the 4 vs 4 gameplay worked perfectly and the game main gimmick is the cover system and if there are too much people in the game even if you are taking cover you will be flanked or attacked from behind so the cover system will pretty much dissapear.
- Vehicles in Multiplayer. Reason: It will brake the balance of the game. The game itself is a race to see who can get the power weapons first and with the addition of vehicles the balance could be broken. Uness they implement them in a very smart way (like Halo where there are a lot of ways of destroying or stealing a vehicle) I would not want to see them.
-The abscence of 4 player co-op. Reason: I cant imagine why Epic didnt include this in the first game. If you are in a squad of 4 soldiers why just 2 player co-op. That would be like that TMNT game with just 2 player co-op ..... lame.
-The abscence of a Rank system for the multiplayer: This would make the game last so much longer. Why? because the only reason I kept playing like crazy Gears 1 multiplayer was because of the multiplayer achievements. But with the release of COD 4, Halo 3 and RB6 V they now have to include a ranking system to encourage players to keep playing. PS: do it like the Halo rank system because that way is not just a matter of playing a lot but a matter of winning and playing well. I dont like any player being able to get to the higher ranks.
This are just the ones in te top of my head there more. If done correctly Gears 2 can be the best game of this gen. And thats coming from a Halo fan.
I wouldn't mind more than 4 on 4 gameplay. They could do a few more, but they would have to make the maps bigger, and utilize objectives. I also don't think the cover system will disappear if a few more are allowed to play. Teammates stick together, so if you're camping then you're ultimately going to get flanked;unless they don't know where you are.
I think Vehicles bring an interesting Graphical play into a game, and if Gears does it, then that might be cool. It changes up the gameplay in a bigway. I enjoyed the vehicles in Halo, but I didn't play it enough to get used to flying the Banshee. I like being the driver assisting my turret gunner. Yes! for vehicles.
I agree about the 4 player co-op.They definitley need to bring that about. It would have to increase the games difficulty in a major way though. Beyond Insane mode, or maybe even beyond the mode that's beyond Insane mode.
Ranking systems have been around for awhile, so it's for people who like to compete, which I don't mind at all. I always enjoy playing against really competitive players. It definitely makes me look like a novice that needs adjusment or that I can compete with the best of them.
What I don't want to see in Gears of War 2 are the reduction of crazy weapons. I so much had a blast with the Chainsaw melee. That always cracked me up, but people online were calling it a Nube Weapon, which I don't really understand. Anyone that gets chainsawed and calls you a Nube, just keep chainsawing them over, and over and over. They should know how to play by now, especially by getting out of the way or hearing it coming. I also think Host advantage is LAMEEEEEEEE!!! they really need to get rid of that. If there was a reason, like say if you kill the Host your rank goes up higher or something!!! The sheer fact that the host is stronger is LAAAAAMMMMMEE!!! I only Hosted like 3 games, because it was so easy to kill someone. I felt like I popped in a Game Genie and started winning all of a sudden. NOT A COOL ELEMENT OF GAMEPLAY!!! EPic should also work on their Kinks of system design which allows players to manipulate the game; causing glitches. I always hate playing against Glitchers, because if you quit a game the glitchers give you a bad rating for quiting!?? Thank Bungie for creating a system of monitored games. You can always go back and plead your case if someone is messing with you or the game!
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