OK so i never had a problem paying for my live membership, but i got a PS3 recently and i hooked it up with the built in WIFI with my router easily. So since i didn't need an adapter i liked that and things like getting to use almost any bluetooth headset.
Well i connected to online and saw they have something like the dashboard on PS3, as well as PS store which is like XBLM. So it was pretty much the same as LIVE to me, i had my friends list and everything else, even could go on the internet browser free.
I didn't have any games to play and then i got MGS4, i played it and it was an amazing single player game, after hours of trying to set up a name for MGO i was finally successful and able to play on there. That was not nearly as easy as putting in any disc i'd like and maybe hit accept on some terms and conditions to play online on live. I'd rather pay $50 than to have to go through with that for every game i wanted to play online.
On top of that it's not nearly as good as 360 because there is things like lag and hardly anything you can do besides play online. You have to connect the bluetooth at the "dashboard" everytime you start the system. You can't chat with friends while in a game, can't send messages or invites to games. You can't play music while gaming. The headset is a lot easier to connect and use and so are all online games. You also get your gamer profile and gamercard which shows a lot and your gamertag is the same for everygame. You also get achievements which are a lot of fun and an XBLM which updates XBLA games every wednesday and adds tv shows and movies every week for download. PS3 is soon to have video downloads but most likely not tv shows and i thought they released their classic PSone games for download every week, but they don't and rarely even do.
There's also a lot more people playing 360 online and with a headset on 360 since it comes with one. Also theres no PS3 game that is better to play online than a 360 game.
Now that i have both systems and can directly compare, there is no competition for 360 with it's XBOX LIVE...not till others start charging.
Look if you would buy a game for your PS3 over buying it for 360 because your looking to play the game online for a year and thats it and don't want to spend 50 on a membership. Your a fool and the online play will not last for you on that system, not yet.
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