I'll be getting a 360 sometime this month and wanted to know if this set up would work. I have a computer in my room connected to the wireless router through a wireless adapter. The problem is the adapter sucks, it rarely ever works and is very slow, soI will be getting a wireless router in my room. Now since there will be a wireless router in my room(where I will be playing my 360) I could simply plug in my 360 to the router through the included Ethernet cable. I don't care about the wire because it will save me a $100(Wireless Adapter) So would this set-up work well? I will end up getting a pretty decent router, around $100. Thanks for the help.
It's definitely faster and more stable through cables than it is wireless. Wireless can only at most hit the same speed as a cabled connection in optimum conditions with absolutely no interference (ie. cordless phones, microwaves, etc.). So yeah cable is the way to go if the cable itself is not a problem.
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