Ok, my friend didnt know who Jack Thompson was so I sent him an article I was reading and in this article it said::
Jack recently appeared on CBS's 60 Minutes trying to drum up support for his efforts. However, this publicity was apparently not satisfying enough for him, as he went on to try and create more outrage on his own. Attempting to emulate Jonathan Swift, he issued a "Modest Proposal" that offered a US$10,000 reward to anyone who would create a video game featuring Osaki Kim, a father whose son was beaten to death with a baseball bat by a 14-year-old gamer. The game would feature Kim extracting brutal revenge on the video game industry itself, including beating game company executives to death, removing their heads and urinating on their brain stems.
 Now I dont know about you guys but this is hilarious to me. He's raging on violent video games but he offered a $10,000.00 reward to anyone who created a violent video game along those lines.
This little man's contradictory attitude is, in my opinion, just hilarious.
There is the article if any of you are interesting in reading it.^
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