8.0 Presentation
Powerful set of options for multiplayer. Overall visual design is caught somewhere between the old version and the new, and the story is irrelevant. Still, it's hard to fault a game with zeppelins.
8.5 Graphics
Outstanding water effects, lighting and environmental destruction. Some fantastically gritty and rundown environments. Surfaces are a little shiny and bumpy in places though.
8.0 Sound
Good use of dialogue between enemy soldiers, nice sound effects.
8.5 Gameplay
Solid straight-up shooter action in single player, and a great twist on the usual formula in multiplayer.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
You may get a couple of playthroughs out of the single player game, but multiplayer is the real stayer here... provided there are enough other people playing. Fingers crossed.
(out of 10 / not an average)
I'm glad it did very well. Anyone picking this up?
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