@MaddenBowler10 said:
@SolidTy said:
That's how I felt after I got TF at launch...it felt like it came out of the oven way too early. I think TF2 is the game that we wanted with TF1, let's hope so.
It was exciting to me for the first two weeks and now I don't even touch it anymore.
Titanfall 2 hasn't even came out yet, so how do you know it's what we wanted?
Clearly we don't know, and I don't know as it's the future. You should have read the whole sentence because I ended with 'I think' and 'let's HOPE so'. That's why I said "I think" and "let's hope so". I NEVER said I "KNOW" as you said. I used the words, HOPE and THINK...not KNOW. I clearly don't know, not even the devs know. It's not released yet.
It's pretty clear that I hope and think it will happen, but I don't know. I'm basing it on my the pedigree of the studio and the fact I was a long time IW fan since COD1 and prior to that with MOH. I've been gaming with them for at least a decade. I could have just said like I said 100x times before as I've said here on the TF subject over and over, "I HOPE" because that's what I'm hoping since TF1 was so disappointing after those two weeks were over. "I HOPE TF2 is the game that we wanted with TF1."
Here's my new sentence: "I hope Respawn gets it right next time. I have confidence in Respawn and I think they can do it based on my longtime experience with them as IW and prior, but I don't know for sure."
Hopefully that clears up your answer? I typed my original post incredibly fast as I was heading out the door and I've said the same thing about TF for months now. Happy gaming. :)
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