i have a 360 and ill admit ps3 has some nice titles coming out just for it (resistence, mgs4) but this is my opinion. buy a wii instead. reasons.....
-almost all the games you can get on ps3 you can get on 360
-wii is cheaper with more old-style classics
-wii's titles will very likly NOT come out on ps3 or 360 near as often as ps3 and 360 titles come out for each other. and often devolopers will release games for sony and nintendo but not xbox. so if you get a wii and have a 360 you pretty much assured almost any game.
-ps3 is too expensive just for 1 or 2 exclusive titles.
hope that helped some, if you have any questions let me know, since i have all 3 next gen consoles...... :) ......and since i know ALOT about the gaming buis'
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