i know you think that is just a game and all that but when you see something about killing U.S.A citizen. Hell everyone seem to think that a terrorist made the game
tell what you would think if a foreing country supported a coup in your country that killed more people than the 11-9
for a foering country i mean UNITED STATES
you would be pretty f.x.K u.p too
Firstly, it's 9/11... and yeah, that was an unfortunate turn of events, but some of us have the capacity to move on with our lives and maybe learn something from the situation. Regrettably, sometimes I feel like I'm in the minority there, but whatever. That's something for the Off Topic boards.
Secondly, as someone had already pointed out, GTA involves killing American citizens. As did Postal. As did History Channel's American Civil War. All kinds of games involve killing Americans, and the only people who care are IDIOTS.
As far as supporting a coup in my country? Well, it depends on who it was that was rebelling. Another Samuel Adams or Thomas Jefferson? Great! Some Marxist idiot who wants complete governmental control and the equal sharing of misery? Go suck an egg, pal. But I don't see what the idea of revolution has to do with whether or not people should be offended by a video game.
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