This is definately one of the best times to be a gamer but there is only one problem...Too many games in a really short period.
Aug - Mercs 2; I thought about skipping this but then I actually watched some gameplay vids and I just can't do it.
Sept - Force Unleashed, Silent Hill Homecoming, and spore if you have a pc
Oct - Fable 2, Fallout 3, EndWar, Far Cry 2, Dead Space,
Nov - Left 4 Dead, Gears 2, Mirrors Edge, Prince of Persia, Banjo Kazooie
I'm excited yet depressed I can't afford them all. Saving up for college I can only afford about one game a month. Even this list is really small leaving out music games and other promising titles like project origin. Who can afford a music game for 180 dollars when all this gold is coming out? Back to the main topic is anyone else going to have to choose Fallout 3 over Fable 2 and Far Cry 2? Gears over Banjo and prince...this is VERY depressing. I may skip the month of sept all together but I can't bring myself to skip Mercs; it just looks way to good.
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