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Those are good so is Battlefield 2. Cod2 is the best on the list.Call of Duty 2 and 3 are Teen. Same with ChromeHounds.
Frontlines: Fuel of War
Lost Planet
There are tons of sports games out too, but I don't recommend any.
This system might not be for youSaintJimmmy
ya ummmget burnout lol maybe frontlines? But elsewise i love M on 360
I think the TC is bringing up a valid point here. Just because your not allowed to play M rated games .. why does that make you a noob ? T rated games can be just as good as M rated games. I would rather my games to be rated T ... E even! That allows more people to play great games :) Now, I know some games are rated M for a reason (GTA, Saints Row etc.) . And I know there are alot of amazing M rated games, but if a person can't play M rated games. Whats with the fuss? The TC is just asking for an opinion here .. what are some good T rated games? Why can't you answer that?
Sorry for that rant, but I've seen topics like these before. Where a 14 year old would say "What good T games can I buy?" and everyone else would just rush in and say "U cnt pla Halo lolol u n00b" . So im not flaming the people in this topic, just the general people who do this to underage gamers.
Now, as for some good games. I reccomend Skate, Rock Band, Viva Pinata, Lost Oddesy, any sports games like NHL or Madden, Bully. Those are some good games, but im sure there are even more out there. Im just listing them off the top of my head.
If you can find an old copy of Oblivion on ebay, than that's rated T because they didn't know about some of the things in the game then.
I don't think games on XBLA have age ratings, or if they do I've never seen them.
Otherwise look for sports games, racing games, or movie tie-ins.
There is a reason games with lots of blood and gore aren't given kiddy ratings, so FPS games will mostly be rated too highly for you (or rather your parents). Also it isn't always pure violence that gets games M ratings. GTA has drug use, which in many countries automatically puts it in the highest age category, even before they look at violence or any other parts of the game.
I have no game in mind right now but I can give you a link to a very useful page :
It's the official Xbox games catalog. At the left of the page you can select many options like the game rating, the genre (like shooter, adventure, sport, etc.) and it will automatically give you the kind of games you want.
I hope this will help you. Have fun! ;)
Topic title should read: Too many underage gamers complaining about M rated games on the forums!destinhpark
Im underage as well and agree 100% lol
But anyway just get caught jackin it and buying rated M games wont seem so bad any more.
I am not allowed to play M games and well I have a 360. My brother plays M games but i cannot. Are there and good rated T games (E or E10 work too) for the 360 other thanGHIII GRAW Tony Hawk or Eternal Sonata?guyguyguy1234
Sorry man but I would like every game to be M. Well not Viva Pinata or Mario, but any game whre someone gets shot is A OK. How old are you anyways?
The X-Box 360 probably isn't the platform of choice for gamers under the age of 15- better to go with a WII, which has a mostly All Ages - Teen sort of product bracket. 360 doesn't have that many great teen games, but it does have some good ones, most especially drivers like DiRt and Prostreet, soccer and American footballers like Fifa 08 and Madden respectively.
I think the TC is bringing up a valid point here. Just because your not allowed to play M rated games .. why does that make you a noob ? T rated games can be just as good as M rated games. I would rather my games to be rated T ... E even! That allows more people to play great games :) Now, I know some games are rated M for a reason (GTA, Saints Row etc.) . And I know there are alot of amazing M rated games, but if a person can't play M rated games. Whats with the fuss? The TC is just asking for an opinion here .. what are some good T rated games? Why can't you answer that?
Sorry for that rant, but I've seen topics like these before. Where a 14 year old would say "What good T games can I buy?" and everyone else would just rush in and say "U cnt pla Halo lolol u n00b" . So im not flaming the people in this topic, just the general people who do this to underage gamers.
Now, as for some good games. I reccomend Skate, Rock Band, Viva Pinata, Lost Oddesy, any sports games like NHL or Madden, Bully. Those are some good games, but im sure there are even more out there. Im just listing them off the top of my head.
You may have a point there. Been a kind person always works for everybody, but a lot of us are only sayin that the best games for 360 are, indeed, rated M. Some of them MUST be M rate (as GTA4) and some others are just better cus they got the extra blood or the extra violence. Underage gamers that are not allowed to play M games might be noobs or not, but still, wether you and all the kind guys on earth plus the underage players like it or not, M rated games gives much more fun for a lot of different and undeniable reasons.
So, whoever can't play M games, is missing an important part of the good stuff that comes with the gaming, regardless of the fact that u might be a noob or not :)
I am not allowed to play M games and well I have a 360. My brother plays M games but i cannot. Are there and good rated T games (E or E10 work too) for the 360 other thanGHIII GRAW Tony Hawk or Eternal Sonata?guyguyguy1234360 is not 4 u buy a wii all the T rated game's u want.
[QUOTE="Cristero"]YEA CHAINSAW!! Whats a good x360 without a chainsaw.Agh! I can't believe what I'm reading here! My eyes are burning! This topic should be rated M!!!
i concur ;)
Bring more M rated games please! It's all about the chainsaw... the chaaaaiiiinnnsaaaawwwwww!!
lol but really all the good games on this console are M.
there are still a couple though. Overlord is one (unless your looking for live) that games decent and its T. Theres also quite a few FPS (Frontlines, etc). Maybe talk your parents into at least letting you play Halo 3 or Oblivion cause there not that bad and i could be mistaken but i believe Oblivion was rated T at one point. There are quite a few T. games its just that the best games are M.
p.s. you can look at the best buy website. They have a list of all the games they sell. You can find quite a few there.
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