Well right now school is making me very mad because Assassin's Creed hits stores on Wednesday, I already have it pre-ordered but I still got that full week of school in the way, interfering with my AC play time! But luckily Mass Effect comes out the Tuesday the week after this week and I'll be picking it up after school on that Tuesday and I'll have all of Thanksgiving break to play it (I have ME pre-ordered in full). But at the same time, after that, I have to go through another 4 full weeks of school before getting off for winter break!
Doesn't the school standing in the way right now make y'all very mad! It certainly makes me mad because it stands directly in the way of AC and ME's release, and schools for some reason on big release days for games (for example, when Halo 3 came out I got about 3 hours of homework that night which is far more than usual) give a maximum lockdown of busy work and homework, which sucks big time too. And not only that, but they always shove all these exams and other s*** down your throat right before you get off for either thanksgiving and/or Winter Break!
I'll put up a poll to see who agrees with me on this extremely annoying issue right now.
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