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1. Bioshock
2. Grand Theft Auto IV
3. The Orange Box
4. Mass Effect 2
5. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
6. Red Dead Redemption
7. Portal 2
8. Batman: Arkham City
9. Gears of War
10. a 4 way tie between The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Halo 3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
1-goldeneye reloaded
2 saints row 3
3 driver san francisco
4 saints row 2
5 007 legends
6 cod mw1
7 pgr 4
8 forza 4
9 test drive unlimited 2
10 gears of war series
1. Gears of War
2. Gears of War 3
3. Forza Motorsport 2
4. Forza Motorsport 4
5. Mafia 2
7. Saints Row: The Third
8. Crysis 2
9. Mortal Combat
10. Modern Warfare 2
Assassins Creed 2
Black Ops
Gears of War 3
Halo Reach
Alan Wake
Orange Box
This is just sratching the surface of the amazing huge hundreds of great games library the 360 has.
This is very hard, so the games I listed are not in any particular order. Oh, forgot to mention that this list will not have multiple titles from the same series.
Halo 4
Forza 4
Dark Souls
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Batman: Arkham City
Mass Effect
Red Dead Redemption
Fable 2
Viva Pinata: Trouble In Paradise
Damn, there's so much more I wanted to add! :)
ULTIMATE EPIC EDIT: I forgot to put in Alan Wake! My top 10 list is automatic fail. :(
1. Red Dead Redemption
3. Far Cry 3
4. Bully: Scholarship Edition
5. Skyrim (Played on PS3)
6. Halo 3
7. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
8. Halo 4
9. Assassin's Creed 3
10. Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition
Since the start of this gen I've rated games as I've played/finished them on logged my ratings on, I went through my list of games and here's the ones i've played ranked with the highest ratings:
1. Civilization Revolution (ya that's right)
2. Gears of War 2
3. Oblivion
5. Skyrim
6. Halo 3
7. Gears of War
8. COD: Modern Warfare 2
9. Viva Pinata
10. Skate
1. Fallout 3
2. Fallout: New Vegas
3. Skyrim
4. Borderlands 2
5. Borderlands
6. Minecraft
7. Halo 4
8. Batman Arkham City
9. Far Cry 3
10. Batman Arkham Asylum
I also can't really put mine in any particular order, but here are my 10 favourites
-Halo 4
-Gears of War 3
-Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
-Mass Effect 2
-Fable III
-Just Cause 2
-Dead Space (I would say 2 is my favourite story-wise but my version is bugged and I can't complete it on Zealot, so I choose the first game here)
-Deus Ex: Human Revolution
-Burnout Paradise
-Battlefield: Bad Company
For me...
Call of Duty 4
Call of Duty 2
The Orange Box
Mass Effect 2
Too Human
MotoGP 08
Gears of War
Dirt 2
1. Bioshock
3. Fallout 3
4. Skyrim
5. Bioshock Infinite
6. Arkham City
7. Red Dead Redemption
8. Halo 4
9. Far Cry 3
10. Call of Duty 4
Nuff said.
1. SSX
2. Battlefield 3
3. Silent Hill Downpour
4. Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3 HD
6. Dead Island: Riptide
7. Jet Set Radio HD
8. The Walking Dead (TT)
9. Devil May Cry HD Collection
10. DmC Devil May Cry
We need a HD Remake of SSX Tricky and SSX 3!!!
This was kind of just thrown together, but as close as I could remember:
1. Burnout Paradise
2. Assassins Creed
3. Modern Warfare 2
4. Modern Warfare
5. Assassins Creed 2
6. Assault On Dark Athena
7. Army Of Two
8. Dead Rising
9. Saints Row
10. NBA 2K9
1. Bioshock
2. Grand Theft Auto IV
3. The Orange Box
4. Mass Effect 2
5. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
6. Red Dead Redemption
7. Portal 2
8. Batman: Arkham City
9. Gears of War
10. a 4 way tie between The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Halo 3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
yes he gets it
That I played mostly/only on Xbox 360?
Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 1
Rock Band 3
Rock Band: Beatles
Battlefield 3
Max Payne 3
NHL 13
Alan Wake
Plenty more multi-plats that were released on the 360 that I liked more, but I mostly played them on the PC. As for exclusives, don't think I could make a top 10 list.
Out of the top of my head and in no particular order:
Can't recall anything else.
Note: These were my favourite, not meaning that they are the best of all time.
In no order:
Geometry Wars
PacMan CE
Fable II
NBA 2k13
Gears of War
Rainbow 6 Vegas 2
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