I don't think so. Wouldn't it be better to be able to go back to the original sometimes? I guess it's just me but i love replaying older versions with friends like halo and halo 2. I'd say just keep it i doubt you'll get much for trading it anyway they'll probably rip you off. Just save the money unless Gears is just gathering dust.
dont bother u wont get much for it. i dunno. i prefer having both cuz then i can say to people ive played the first one aswell. besides its look kool on the shelf wen u have one and two sitting next to eachother.
wait til ebgames has a 20% extra tarde in towards a purchse and do it. i ended up getting 28 bucks towards r6v2 when i bought it used for 19 bucks off of amazon about 5 months ago
If you're not going to play it again... why keep it? I'm keeping my copy so that around October or so, I will play the campaign again for a refresher to the story mode if that makes any sense.
why would you want to do that? first of all, its an AWESOME game with great replay value and online play. second, you would get litlte money for it if you sell it to EB. and lastly, if youre getting GeOW2, wouldnt you want GeOW1 just so you can have the complete collection? i dont know if its just me, but it bugs me if i have the 2nd game of a series and not the first. i like to have the whole series.
i love the game and i wont trade it in...but thats me i dont like trading game in unless they are complete garbage and i will never look or care about them agian
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