I can't decide whether to get both Fable 2 and Far Cry 2 next Tuesday, or get Far Cry a little later. That way I could really enjoy Fable, and wouldn't be switching between two games. But Far Cry looks so great, and not long after Gears is out. What do you guys prefer? One game at a time or having multiple to play?
Im in the same situation. I want to get Far Cry 2, GoW2, Dead Space,Fallout 3 and Call Of Duty World at War. There is so many coming out that it is hard to decide what one i want to get first or just get 2 now and just hold of to get the other ones later. The only thing i can say to u is get one and then get the other later. It's not like the other game wont be there to buy later on.
i hate doing it (not really, but my wallet does) but I am going to be buying both next week. both games seems to be amazing and i seriously can't wait to sit at work wondering: Am I gonna blow crap up or level up my character :)
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