jeez!! i was so excited about this game. i went and picked it up as soon as my game store opened on the 24th and rushed right home to play it. i poped it in and was HIGHLY disappointed. i put8 hours into the game and just couldnt get into it.
1. the voice acting. i LOL'd at it the whole time. i couldnt believe it was so horrible.
2. the framerate. JESUS! the framerate was even bad in the cut scenes. i found myself getting killed alot due to the frame rate. id swing,the game wouldjerk around, and id be behind the enemy and it would attack me from behind leaving me helpless.
3 online is the MAIN reason i bought this game. me and my best friend are RPG fans and we thought this game would be awesome to play online together, well when we got it home, we couldnt even play online due to lag. we live 5 minutes away from eachother so i know being too far away from eachother isnt the reason.
4 confusion! there was no walkthrough, the only thing it done was tell you to open a gate, and defeat the enemys. i had no idea what i was doing when i was thrown out into this world.
5 my BIGGEST problem with this game was the effen map!!!! the map couldnt be more confusing. i couldnt figure out where i needed to go, aside from not having an arrow telling you where to go (some people thinks that takes away from the game and that u should have to use the map..) well i couldnt use the map. there were too much stuff on the damn thing. i found myself walking around the woods just trying to find a little green dot, and when i would finally reach my long awaited green find a teleport palce.
i wanted this game to be GREAT. i followed this game for like 4 months. now that its out im upset because it was a big letdown. am i the only person that hates this game? or do other people agree?
no bashing please :)
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