WOOT WOOT....i would post the link to the 2 things im about to tell you guys but i dont know how to post links on my posts....oh well...anyway if you head over to teamxbox.com on the front page you will see a far cry 2 announcment....im very happy about this because i loved and to be honest still play far cry instints predator for my xbox 360...i thought it was gonna be pc exclusive only but after hearing this i guess not...that got me xcited
but the other thing they said in an article on the front page also said they have delayed three games....tom clancys end war.....brothers in arms hells highway....and...*sigh* far cry 2...until fiscal year 2008...the reason for the delay of these is because assassins creed is selling better then they predicted so they want to give it more time to rack up sales which in turn obviously givem them more money...my thoughts on this are **** assassins creed...because of assassins creed we have to wait even longer for these three delightfull games...well okay maybe not **** assassins creed because i actually did like it but still i want all three of these more than assassins creed....thoughts anybody???
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