Quite possibly the funniest thing ever to happen on xbox live occurred last night at 1am.....
Picture the scene....
Myself, Release 2 and New Age Commando were rounding off our evenings Rainbow fest with a relaxing round or two on the card game Uno (camera's enabled).
There's always a moment of anticipation when an unknown joins the party, but what greeted us was truly a first in my humble experience with the game.
The image takes a moment to load and we are greeted with a skinny gentleman with early 80's Will Smith hair, topless and stretched out in a glamour model pose in what looked like an 18th century French brothel.
Clearly the guy thought that there was nothing wrong with the "optimum view" and this made the whole experience even more hilarious. I don't think I've laughed so hard in years. My stomach ached and the tears were rolling down our faces as we all tried unsuccessfully to keep it together.
After a few short rounds the poor fella tired of our unsuccessful attempts to pull our selves together and left, but who ever you are...thank you.....that was priceless!
I cant remember the guys live tag but I really wish I'd taken note of it.
Please post any similar Uno incidents, I'd love to hear them.
Also, to any female gamers out there....does this freak show virtual pulling technique really work? (Surly not)
"They only come out at night, except during the day"
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